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"Shark on the Road" Book Tour


The launch of my debut novel – Dead Men Should Know Better – had been a long time coming. After endless re-writes and a tough editorial "boot-camp", the manuscript was finally ready. It went to print and soon I basked in joy as the books arrived at my home. It was now time to get out there and promote.

Having always been inspired by the heavy metal band Iron Maiden’s 'Beast on the Road' tour, and now having a seven-foot black shark mounted on top of my bright-red and sign-written van, it was time for me to head out on my "Shark on the Road" tour. I wanted to get out on the roads (and motorways) of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland to promote my work, just as Iron Maiden had done all those years ago.


In the few remaining months before the launch, I contacted book shops, public libraries, colleges, universities and adult education centres – any venue I felt could have an audience to hold a launch event for my book, but, equally importantly, venues where I could hold talks about creative writing and the path to publication. On my journey to publication I have benefitted immensely from the goodwill of many industry professionals and companies, especially Hewer Text, who each went far beyond the call of duty to help me bring my book project to fruition. And so, because of this, I wanted to give back and inspire fellow-writers just as I had been inspired and encouraged.

After countless telephone calls and emails, I managed to put together a list of twenty-two events in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The "Shark on the Road" tour was born. And with the van packed with books to sell, and Hewer Text’s logo proudly displayed on the van, I set off. And because of the van’s sign-writing, and even more so because of the seven-foot black shark mounted on the roof, the response was incredible. People were photographing the "shark van", and sending me messages of encouragement via social media. At the events, the reception was equally enthusiastic and warm, and the combination of the creative writing and publishing talks with the book launch aspects gave the evening a wonderful dimension, which many people said they benefitted from.


The Shark on the Road Tour 2016 was a huge success. I made lots of new friends and contacts, I helped inspire and assist many like-minded writers, and sold my books. Mission accomplished. But all this would not have been possible without the boundless help of the team at Hewer Text. Here’s to Shark on the Road Tour 2017 when book 2 – Kiss of the Black Sombrero – is launched.


  • To learn more about Dominic and his book, visit his website

  • To have your book published with Hewer Text or learn more about our services, contact us here

Dominic's experience of Hewer Text:

"Hewer Text's pedigree was unquestionable for the sheer number of best-selling titles they had worked on. And from my very first enquiry, the team made me feel most welcome, and that my business – being a self-funding self-publishing independent writer – mattered every bit as much as if I was from a mainstream marque publisher. My expectations were exceeded from the moment I gave the green-light and the final product literally shone upon the page. It was with the care, time and desire from Hewer Text to make my work as good as it possibly could be that achieved this."


© 2017 Hewer Text Indie Publishing

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